Fluent Finance Abroad – Spanish Mortgage & Insurance Advisers

Fluent Finance Abroad
Fluent Finance Abroad

At Fluent Finance Abroad we form a bridge of communication and understanding between you, Spanish Insurance Companies and Lenders in Spain. We know the legislation, consumer rights regulation inside out, and have all of the right financial relationships and connections to get you the right mortgage and insurance solutions to meet your needs.

Established in 2006, we’ve got an extremely impressive track record which spans two decades of successfully securing Spanish mortgages & Insurances for resident and non resident clients alike.

We understand that trying to arrange insurance or banking relationships in Spain can be complicated and time consuming, so feel free to contact us as we are well placed to offer you qualified guidance.

FFA is fully registered with the Bank of Spain (BOS D305) with offices in Madrid, Marbella & Sotogrande.

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